Friday, February 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Mike!

Happy 27th Birthday Mike!
What I would like to give you:
Everything on, a new Audi, a trip to England.
What I did get you - a slice of Carlucci's pizza and movie tix ~smile.
I love you!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

  • Reggae Rabbi

  • Ok I know he not a rabbi but "reggae rabbi" just flows. Anyhow here is his Youth video in real player format. Its sounds really good, try him for a spin. You can check out his site at

    New Movie style

    This new movie Scanner Darkly movie reminds me of a fusion of Anime and Live action. The real test is if the story has more weight then the style.

    Monday, February 20, 2006

    Need to watch before it is gone.

    I forgot one movie that has been on my mind is the Chronicles of Narnia. It may not be Lord of the Rings but it sounds like a good movie to check out on a lazy sunday. But I better check it out before it leaves the theaters.

    Thursday, February 16, 2006


    Wow we have so many people checking us out! This is cool. See if your one of them :)

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    Happy Valentine's Day

    I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I hope you enjoy your Valentine Surprise. Muah! I love You! Erica.

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    Rap Snacks!

    -Hey can you rap and snack at the same time? YO YO!
    -Word up! Yes I can!
    -Then take a bag and test test your mad skill(z) with this delicious treat! Yum yum in your tum tum. Word to your mother!

    Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    I am an official minivan mama!

    I am an official minivan mama!
    I never thought I'd be excited to drive a big minivan but Oh! Yes I am!
    What with all the putting the baby in and out of the car along with all that baby paraphernalia and another baby on its way, I am ecstatic to have this roomy car.

    Mike was so good about finding the car on and contacting the seller. Everything went very smoothly and I now drive a minivan. It even has a built in car seat.

    Open road America - here we come!


    Open the Box!

    Just heard of this website called
    AMAZING! They started something called "The Music Genome Project". This project allows anyone to pick a song they like, and like magic the website generates music that shares its gentic traits. So go ahead and open the Box!!

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    Fav Super Bowl Ads

    What can I say, I am a sucker for Kermit de frog.

    Beer companies have the funniest commericals. They have no choice. hehe

    What is funnier than a barrel of monkeys? Working with them! hahaha (cheese factor joke rating of 4)