Wednesday, January 04, 2006

  • IsaBelly's first Christmas!
  • This year we celebrated Christmas for the first time with our daughter Isabella. She loved all the presents she received especially the gift-wrapping paper. It was so joyful watching her play most of the day with the torn up pieces of paper. Isabella also received clothes and toys. The gifts of clothing were my favorite; since she is growing up quickly we have not been able to keep her wardrobe up to date with her size. Posted are some pictures we took that eventful first Christmas day.

    Belly finds a present!

    Belly wonders what is this?

    Finds toy and clothing but likes paper better.

    She wants to play!

    Enjoy and please post any comments you have by clicking on the “comment” link below next to the pencil.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    How adorable is she!? I think the web page is a great idea! For her birthday you can just wrap up some wrapping paper, she'll be just as pleased and it costs less than toys!!!! :)